How long does gin last? How to tell if gin has gone off?

Gin is a popular spirit that is enjoyed by many around the world. Whether you’re a fan of classic gin and tonic or you enjoy experimenting with new gin-based cocktails, it’s important to know how long gin lasts and how to tell if it has gone off. In today’s article, we’ll delve into the shelf life of gin and provide tips for storing and disposing of it properly. So pour yourself a glass and let’s dive into the homepage of gin.

How is gin made and how does it affect durability?

Gin is a spirit made from a base of grain or malt, which is then flavored with juniper berries and other botanicals. The most common type of gin is London dry gin, which is made by distilling a neutral spirit with juniper berries and other botanicals to extract the flavors.

The shelf life of gin is influenced by several factors, including the alcohol content and the type of botanicals used. Gin typically has an alcohol content of around 40% ABV (alcohol by volume), which helps to preserve the spirit and extend its shelf life.

The type of botanicals used can also affect the shelf life of gin, as some botanicals are more prone to spoiling or losing their flavor over time than others. For example, botanicals with a high water content, such as cucumber or citrus, may spoil more quickly than drier botanicals like juniper or coriander. Similarly, botanicals with delicate aromas, like rose or lavender, may lose their flavor more quickly than heartier botanicals like angelica or cardamom.

How long does gin last?

The shelf life of gin depends on whether the bottle is unopened or opened. Unopened bottles of gin can last for many years if stored properly. Gin is a spirit with a high alcohol content, which helps to preserve the flavor and extend its shelf life. It is best to store unopened bottles of gin in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. A pantry or cabinet away from the stove or oven is a good choice. Some sources estimate that unopened bottles of gin can last for up to 10 years or more if stored properly.

Opened bottles of gin will not last as long as unopened bottles. Once a bottle of gin is opened, it is best to finish it within a few months to ensure the best quality. However, it is possible for opened bottles of gin to last longer if they are stored properly and the cap or cork is kept securely in place. It is best to store opened bottles of gin in the fridge to help preserve the flavor and prevent the gin from being exposed to air. Some sources estimate that opened bottles of gin can last for up to a year if stored properly in the fridge.

More information about how store gin

How to tell if gin has gone off?

While gin has a long shelf life when stored properly, it is possible for it to go off over time. Here are some signs that your gin may have gone off:

  • Color: If your gin has a noticeable change in color, it may be a sign that it has gone off. Gin should be a clear or pale yellow color. If it has turned brown or developed a haze, it may be past its prime.
  • Flavor: If your gin tastes off or has a strange flavor, it may be a sign that it has gone off. Gin should have a juniper-forward flavor with a balanced blend of other botanicals. If it tastes sour, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant, it may be past its prime.
  • Smell: If your gin has a strange or off-putting aroma, it may be a sign that it has gone off. Gin should have a juniper-forward aroma with a balanced blend of other botanicals. If it has a musty, sour, or otherwise unpleasant smell, it may be past its prime.

If you suspect that your gin has gone off, it is best to dispose of it. It is not safe to consume spirits that have gone off, as they may taste unpleasant and could potentially cause illness.

Can I drink 2 year old gin?

Is safe to drink unopened bottles of gin that are 2 years old or older if they have been stored properly. Estimate that unopened bottles of gin can last for up to 10 years or more.

Where is the expiry date on gin?

The expiration date on a bottle of gin is typically located on the bottom or back label. It could be written as a “best by” date, a “bottled on” date, or a “batch” number. The expiration date on a bottle of gin indicates the date by which the manufacturer recommends consuming for the best quality.

Is important to note that the expiration date on a bottle of gin is a guideline, rather than a hard and fast rule. If stored properly, unopened bottles of gin can last for many years beyond the expiration date.


In conclusion, knowing how long gin lasts and how to tell if it has gone off is important for ensuring that you are enjoying the best quality spirit. Unopened bottles of gin can last for many years if stored properly, while opened bottles of gin should be finished within a few months for the best quality.

Pay attention to the color, flavor, and smell of your gin, and dispose of it if it seems to have gone off. By following these guidelines and storing gin properly, you can help ensure that your gin stays fresh and flavorful for as long as possible. Cheers!

Hi I'm Martin and gin is one of my favorite alcoholic beverages. I started this website to share my experiences. For now I primarily just drink it, but I'm starting to build up a small collection of bottles at home and who knows maybe in the future we'll make it together.